The projects of the UNESCO Creative City

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Days of Bread
From 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2021

Days of Bread

Days of Bread is a cross-sectoral project organised by Tuscon (USA) UNESCO Creative City for Gastronomy. The aim of the project  is to share the culture and knowledge behind the art of bakery as well as bakery products in general, which represented a fundamental part of gastronomy and nutrition all around the world. In 2018  Alba, with the recipe of "Pane di Langa" was already included among the actors of the project, whereas in 2019 it was the protagonist of a live streaming at the bakeries of the Consorzio Pane di Langa to tell the story of this particular type of bread, a story that became the protagonist also on different digital platforms. Pane di Langa is made with special flours from ancient grains common in the Langhe until the 1950s, today revived in these hills thanks to the commitment of an expert miller, farmers and bakers who adhere to the Pane di Langa production specific regulations. The “Pan ed Langa” has been produced on the Langa Hills thanks to the cooperation between a mill in La Morra (CN), and a group of  bakers from Alba that recently established the Consorzio di Tutela “Pan ed Langa”.